The Colosseum was not created in a year, Michaelangelo's Statue of David was not created in a month, and Van Gogh's Starry Night was not created in a day. Great art can usually take many years and tremendous amounts of resources to create. In most cases, artists and designers work their entire lives without producing what would commonly be regarded as a "masterpiece."
Graphic design and motion graphics are no less different; regardless whether it is personal or commercial work. The introduction of business and commerce and how it relates to art & design is a constant struggle of tight deadlines, budgets, and the ability to produce quality work. Far too often clients do not understand the amount of time, effort, and resource it takes to make something of extremely high quality. They always think that it is possible to make something great in a little amount of time and still have the cost remain low. It is just not possible in the same way that money does not grow on trees, even though we all wish it did.

The Project Triangle states that:
Design something quickly and to a high standard, but then it will not be cheap.
Design something quickly and cheaply, but it will not be of high quality.
Design something with high quality and cheaply, but it will take a long time
Wikipedia: Project Triangle
A good understanding of the Project Triangle is paramount to the success of your project, whether it be graphic design, motion graphics, or video production. All of these things are creative endeavors that will be hampered if there is not sufficient time and resource to accomplish the project goals.
So when you are thinking about undertaking your next video project, the best things to do are to:
1. Leave ample time to achieve your desired goals.
2. Realize that quality comes at a cost.
3. Leave time for planning that will make the process move along smoothly.
If you can recognize these three things, your project should be a success... some might even say a masterpiece.
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